FFA Officer Speech Ideas

Becoming part of FFA is more than a mere club membership; you’re immersed in its culture from start to finish! Staying late at school to complete record books, memorizing speeches for CDE competitions and exploring all of its opportunities is invaluable for developing leadership.

An attempt at being a national officer requires hard work and commitment.

1. Motivational Speech

At the 90th National Convention & Expo, motivational speaker Jon Petz reminded FFA members that it’s alright to stumble and fall, but don’t allow it stop them from rising back up again. He even invited one FFA member on stage with him to show one of his magic tricks, inspiring the crowd to join something greater than themselves.

At national convention banquets, each state officer has the opportunity to present an inspirational or motivational speech to fellow officers and guests. Each person is given six minutes for speaking on any topic that matters to them; during these speeches state officers should try keeping their audience engaged by using visual aids or being creative with their delivery style.

As part of their preparation, all state officers must attend a banquet speech workshop with alumni who provide feedback and insight into presentations reminiscent of banquet settings.

2. Leadership Speech

Leadership speeches are compositions composed to inspire others and guide them in the right direction. Like all speeches, leadership speeches must have an explicit purpose – usually either persuading or motivating the audience; however it could be anything else as long as your starting line hooks your listeners; the middle should hold them captive; and an inspiring ending should leave people thinking long after leaving the room.

FFA alumni at state officer banquets offer an Officer Speech Workshop, giving officers an opportunity to practice their speeches in an informal environment and gain confidence by developing the art of giving powerful speeches. It provides new officers with an invaluable chance to practice in an accessible setting – the ideal environment to build your skills as a public speaker!

Effective leadership speeches show selflessness, loyalty and earned respect. A good way to demonstrate this is by telling a personal tale of triumph or use a famous leader as inspiration to change this world.

3. Creed Speech

Creed Speaking Leadership Development Events provide FFA members in 7th, 8th and 9th grades the opportunity to present the national FFA Creed from memory while answering any related questions from audience members. It boosts self-confidence while teaching them how to present information professionally.

Judges at this CDE will assess participants in three areas: Oral Communication, Non-Verbal Communication and Question Answers. While memorizing the Creed correctly is vital to earning top scores in these categories, great speakers go further by connecting with their audiences through emotive delivery of lines while using body language, gestures and poise to set themselves apart from competitors.

Preparing for this event involves practicing with your advisor or other adults, recording yourself reciting the Creed in between classes, while riding in a car, or even before sleeping at night. Also make time to research specific words found within the Creed that will enable you to answer questions more confidently and thoroughly.

4. Career Development Event (CDE) Speech

Career Development Events (CDEs) provide students with a valuable way to foster responsibility, teamwork and communication while building character. CDEs are competitive events which enable FFA members to demonstrate their knowledge on various agricultural-related subjects; some CDEs even provide scholarship opportunities!

The Creed Speaking Leadership Development Event offers members in seventh, eighth and ninth grades the opportunity to memorize the FFA Creed while answering questions regarding its meaning and significance. This event helps develop public speaking skills while contributing to furthering advancement within their FFA degree programs.

The Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event gives participants the chance to research a topic and present an informative speech about it, with judges rating their quality of speeches by panel. At Employment Skills/Job Interview Career Development Event students practice job interviewing and resume writing skills; Dairy CDE promotes interest in dairy cattle production and herd management while Aquaculture CDE fosters learning activities related to tropical ornamental fish, aquatic plants and clams; while Citrus CDE emphasizes citrus cultivation through instruction sessions in this area.

5. Service Speech

Service speeches provide state officers an opportunity to reflect upon their time as members of the FFA and its impact. They may share personal experiences while providing advice for how other members can become as successful in the FFA as they have.

An alumni organization hosts a banquet speech workshop to assist state officers with their service speeches, providing feedback from other attendees that helps refine and practice speaking skills before the big banquet speech! Don’t miss this great way of honing and practicing ahead of the real banquet speech!