Find Funny Motivational Speakers

Some funny motivational speakers include:

  • Steve Rizzo: A comedian, author, and motivational speaker who inspires and motivates through subtle wisdom.
  • Larry Weaver: A professional comedian and business speaker known for his funny and motivational talks.
  • Chris Rock, Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Gaffigan, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Wayne Brady: Well-known comedians who have also delivered motivational speeches.

These speakers use humor to deliver a poignant message and entertain audiences while addressing topics such as hard work, motivation, and achieving goals.

Funny motivational speakers cover a wide variety of speech topics, using humor to deliver a poignant message and entertain audiences. Some popular topics covered by funny motivational speakers include:

  • Overcoming adversity
  • Hard work
  • Motivation
  • Achieving goals
  • Believing in yourself
  • Never giving up
  • Productivity
  • The power of laughter
  • Observations of human behavior and society
  • Stress reduction and using humor to deal with challenges

These speakers use humor to humanize the speaker, bring a relatable touch, and create an engaging and memorable experience for the listeners.

Do It Yourself and Add Funny To Your Speech

To incorporate humor into a motivational speech, you can follow these tips:

  1. Understand the Basics of Humor: Obtain a basic understanding of how humor works. This may involve reading about humor and comedy to grasp its principles.
  2. Record and Review Your Speech: Write your speech or give your speech and record it. Then, isolate each fact, sentence, or complete thought to identify where humor can be incorporated.
  3. Identify What Makes You Laugh: Pay attention to the things that make you laugh, such as TV shows, movies, books, or certain types of humor. This can help you identify the style of humor that resonates with you and that you can weave into your speaking.
  4. Use Humor to Support Your Main Point: Humor should support your main point, not distract from it. Use humor to illustrate, emphasize, or clarify your message.
  5. Tell Canned Jokes or Make Wry Observations: You can add humor to your speech by telling canned jokes, sharing original jokes, or making wry observations. However, it’s important to ensure that the humor is appropriate and relevant to your message.

By following these steps, you can effectively incorporate humor into your motivational speech, making it engaging and memorable for your audience.

Common mistakes to avoid when incorporating humor into a motivational speech

When incorporating humor into a motivational speech, it’s important to avoid common mistakes to ensure the humor is effective and well-received. Some of these mistakes include:

  1. Using Humor Inappropriately: Humor should be used to enhance the message, not to offend or disrespect the audience. It’s important to ensure that the humor is appropriate for the audience and the occasion.
  2. Using Humor Too Frequently or Excessively: Overusing humor can detract from the message and make the speech less impactful. Humor should be used strategically to create contrast, variety, and engagement.
  3. Making Jokes That Seem Forced or Out of Place: Humor should flow with the speech and not feel like an external element that has been added just for the sake of being funny. It’s important to avoid using too many jokes or bunching them all together.
  4. Not Allowing Time for Laughter: Some speakers make the mistake of continuing to speak when the audience is still laughing. It’s important to pause and allow the audience to enjoy the moment of laughter.

By being mindful of these common mistakes, speakers can effectively incorporate humor into their motivational speeches to connect with their audience, lighten the mood, and make their message more memorable.

Where you can book some speakers who are funny: