How to Write a Motivational Speech for a Cannabis Convention

So long as they haven’t been dancing with Mary Jane before the convention you should be able to keep them awake and inspired before they hit the vending machines for snacks! I went to this convention and when I made my motivational half hour speech I started with this template.

1. Start with a Question

Your initial speech introduction must captivate and enthrall your audience, setting the stage for the remainder of your presentation.

Many speakers begin their speeches by beginning with an opening question or statement that sets the stage for their entire presentation. Questions can also serve as a gateway into telling personal anecdotes related to their topic of speech.

Personal narratives can be one of the most effective means of connecting with an audience. Be it about your own experiences or those of someone else, sharing personal tales can be tremendously motivational and engaging for both listeners and speakers alike.

An increasingly popular strategy to start off motivational speeches is sharing a scientific study related to their topic. This will show your audience that you have conducted thorough research, giving credibility as a speaker and strengthening overall persuasiveness of your speech.

2. Tell a Personal Story

One effective way to engage the attention of an audience quickly and engage them is through telling a personal tale. Doing this shows them you care about them as members of an ongoing dialogue.

A personal story from your experience could also help ease any concerns that your audience might have about the topic of your speech, for instance if it concerns entrepreneurship. Telling an engaging tale could inspire them to take risks. Like when you ate a bunch of CBD gummies not knowing they were not CBD but marijuana gummies!

Telling professional stories can help build rapport with your audience and demonstrate that you understand the topic at hand. However, be mindful that any personal stories that would excite a CEO could provoke very different responses in young entrepreneurs.

3. Tell a Scientific Study

Motivational speakers who know their stuff know that scientific research can be an incredibly effective tool in their speeches, giving instant authority and helping their audiences connect to their topic in new ways. For instance, using studies about caffeine’s ability to increase performance could help explain why their audience should drink coffee during your performance.

Motivational speakers who excel know how to craft speeches that address the specific needs and interests of their audiences, keeping their listeners engaged through an assortment of speaking techniques.

At trade shows, it is vital that you conduct yourself professionally. While the atmosphere may seem casual and enjoyable, this event still represents a business event where potential clients or investors could meet you. Keep in mind that this event should not become an opportunity to party excessively or indulge in cannabis; such actions must only occur at appropriate times and only then. Keeping yourself professional allows you to focus on networking effectively and building your business successfully.

4. Finish Strong

At the conclusion of your speech, your goal should be to leave your audience feeling energized and inspired. Capturing their attention is only half the battle; keeping their interest throughout can be even harder! One way you can ensure they stay engaged throughout is using voice as part of the way to keep them interested: changing up tone or speed to add impact or emphasize points within a sentence will all add variety to make your speech more captivating and captivating for audiences.

Know How to Capture Audience Attention at Cannabis Conventions Using these strategies, you can begin each speech with impact and keep their interest throughout your entire presentation.